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Acer Monitors

Features of Acer PC screens

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Acer is a Taiwanese multinational hardware and electronics company founded in 1976 with headquarters in New Taipei, Taiwan that specializes in the design, manufacture, and sale of a variety of computer hardware products, including laptops, desktop computers, tablets, servers, storage devices, and computer monitors.

Acer is one of the world's top computer monitor manufacturers, producing a wide selection of both IPS and TN panels. Their monitors come in a variety of sizes, ranging from 15 inches to 34 inches, and offer a variety of features such as anti-glare, ultra-wide viewing angles, and HDR support. Acer monitors are designed to provide a comfortable, productive experience, and are great for both gaming and professional use.

Acer is known for its market for laptops, desktops, computer monitors for home use.

Acer is often known for offering computer monitors at very competitive prices.