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BenQ Monitors

Features of BenQ PC screens

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BenQ Corporation is a Taiwanese technology company known for its production of electronic devices, especially in the PC monitor market. Founded in 1984, BenQ has established itself as one of the leading brands in the field of display solutions.

BenQ's relationship with PC monitors is particularly prominent and central to its brand identity. The company offers a wide range of PC monitors that cover a variety of needs and preferences, from basic models for everyday use to high-performance monitors for gaming and professional design.

BenQ PC monitors are known for their image quality, with models offering high resolution, good color management, and advanced technologies like HDR. In the gaming market, BenQ has gained popularity with its Zowie series of monitors, designed specifically for gamers, offering features such as low latency rates, high refresh rates and motion blur reduction technologies.

In addition, BenQ has excelled in the development of ergonomic monitors aimed at eye health, incorporating technologies such as blue light and flicker reduction to minimize eye fatigue.