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PC monitors with 4K Ultra HD resolution

2166 PC screens with 4K Ultra HD resolution

What is 4K UltraHD?

There are several ways to call 4K resolution: UHD, Ultra HD but they all refer to a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, not to be confused with the 2160p resolution misnamed 4K.

It must be taken into account that the greater the number of pixels, the more workload for the computer's graphics card, so it must be taken into account that we will need a graphics card and processor that can move this resolution with ease if we do not want to have lag, slowdown or an image that moves in jumps.

It must also be taken into account that the greater the number of pixels, the greater the electricity consumption, in addition, 4k screens are usually linked to a greater number of inches and therefore more electricity consumption to illuminate that panel.