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PC monitors with 1 millisecond response

2986 PC screens with 1 millisecond response

A 1-millisecond response PC display, also known as a 1ms response time monitor, is a display that can change its color pixels in just 1 millisecond.

The benefits of a 1ms responsive PC display are that it provides a smoother gaming experience without motion blur, which is especially important in fast-paced gaming and eSports. It's also useful for watching fast-action videos, such as sports and action movies, as the images look sharp and uninterrupted.

However, the downside of 1ms response PC displays is that they are often more expensive than displays with a slower response time.

In general, a PC display with 1ms response is better for gamers and moviegoers who value speed and fluidity of the image. While it can be useful for most everyday tasks, if both image quality and price are high priorities, it may be better to opt for a display with faster response time or other features.