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Specifications of Fujitsu 18IN TFT MONITOR 4614 FA

Fujitsu 18IN TFT MONITOR 4614 FA

Fujitsu 18IN TFT MONITOR 4614 FA-S26361-K896-V150


The 4614 FA offers the same display capabilities as a conventional 21 inch CRT monitor in a

much smaller footprint. Its flat design is particularly suited to ergonomic workplaces.

LCD TFT technology stands for top-quality ergonomics and ideal environment compatibility.

The extremely wide viewing angle makes the 4614 FA an ideal choice for use in workstation

environment and for presentations. The 4614 FA shows his strength in DTP applications.

Release date: 2005-06-27.

Table of Contents:

Touchscreen: No

Fujitsu 18IN TFT MONITOR 4614 FA related products: