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Specifications of HP 2311x 23-inch LED Backlit LCD Monitor

HP 2311x 23-inch LED Backlit LCD Monitor

HP 2311x 23-inch LED Backlit LCD Monitor


The HP 2311x offers a perfect combination of screen performance and environmental features in a super-sleek 58,4 cm (23”) diagonal LED Backlit LCD panel that can help enhance your work experience.

Release date: 2011-12-15.

End of sale date: 2013-06-21

EAN: 0886111965496, 886111965496, 0886111965540, 886111965540, 0886112222918, 886112222918, 0886111965519, 886111965519, 0886111965533, 886111965533, 0886111965526, 886111965526, 0886111965502, 886111965502,

Table of Contents:

HP 2311x 23-inch LED Backlit LCD Monitor related products: